About (me!)
I'm Aashvik, and I make things! I enjoy robotics, embedded, c++, python, gaming, books, art, origami, cad, and tech in general. This site is my experiment with webdev for me to document and display my ventures. [pro tip, the footer is interactive!]
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Deeds (clickable!)
- this website: an html/css/js collection of webpages hosted on github pages
- zippermau5: a (hopefully) "high-class" in-developement micromouse robot using a custom pcb, teensy 4.1, and time-of-flight sensors
- sarcasticizer: a mAcOs sTaTuSbAr uTiLiTy tO MaKe cOpIeD TeXt mOrE MoCkInG!
- pySeleniChat: online llm access for python using selenium
- fg305: a 3d printed mod to convert a g305 into a custom <30g fingertip mouse
- Linuhs: an award-winning highspeed line following robot using overpowered and underutilized parts
- MiniMate: an open-source 'antidepressant' companion robot
- K.I.D.A: the jank arduino quadruped using 5 micro servos and a few metric tons of hotglue
- Carros: a tiny TB6612FNG/328P locomotive
- CarrosSup: an obstacle avoiding Carros
- CarrosBT: a bluetooth-controlled Carros using an HCSR04
- PRNG experiments: more details coming soon!
- Breadboard 328p: handwired arduino?
- 79 youtube videos: (as of 8/12/2023) yay! if you're wondering why you can't see all of them, it's because i've hidden some
- many, many more creations and tinkerings which i was too dumb to document
ToDo (later!)
- A self-balancing robot: seems simple but i've never tried it
- A quadruped: I made KIDA, a quadruped insect, then proceeded to make a 12 DOF 3d-printed version which promptly led to me breaking the gears of my badly-chosen and weak servos. Ah well.
- A wristwatch: Either using parts I already have or completely new. Why not both?
- A clock: I designed, coded, and tested the circuit and model for a clock using a red led matrix display, and then forgot about it. Wow.
- A BB unit: I attempted to make one with my dad when I was 8 but the guy who we paid to cut the almost-ready body in half, made jagged lines, and tore the thing up from the inside. I should probably try making one again, not life size this time, and using a 3d printer instead.
- A lightsaber: or two yk
- A 3d printer: could be fun
- A custom, from-scratch slicer for said 3d printer: could be fun
- Edith glasses: I made a program to access a camera, capture frames from said camera, extract the text from the frames, look the text up using wolfram alpha, then speaks out and prints the result. I should definitely try to put it into a pair of glasses, or to maybe integrate it with an openAI API.
- A small robotic arm: I have servos so…
- A motorised desk lamp which follows light, or follows sound, or keeps the subject lit.
- A robotic hand: I designed and printed one which used curtain springs for tension and servos which pulled guitar strings attached to the tips of the fingers. It was pretty janky but even though it worked, I didn't try to expand it.
- Another clock: hand-in-hand style, like where one hand is connected to either the pivot or rim of the clock while the second is connected from it. We'll see. The kinematics could be fun to program.